White Star

Psychic, Healer, Teacher

A brief Spiritual Biography

Childhood –


I have experienced ‘strange’ and unusual things my whole life, even when a child.  I remember I actually levitated when I was still a toddler, appearing in different places where there was no way I could have gotten there on my own, much to the astonishment of my parents.

I had two spirit guardians, one an angel and one an elf.  The elf, of course, was mischievous, and got me into trouble.  But my mother, who was herself quite unusual, believed in her too.  The angel comforted me.

I had many prophetic and even apocalyptic dreams as a child, things which haven’t yet happened.  It’s a dangerous world, but still, I’m optimistic.  I used to spontaneously ask myself, “Who Am I?”  One answer would come - “All and Everything.”  I would get shivers. 

I often felt like I was not from the Earth.  I even had memories of another planet, a very utopian place.

I had a telepathic connection with my younger brother, Rob.  We would very close.  We would dream together, and fly in our dreams around the world. I would astral travel at night, hovering over the living room watching my parents.  I could tell them later what they were doing.  I used to play ESP games with my brother.  We would send pictures in our minds to each other.  We were extremely accurate in guessing.

I learned to read the tarot cards when I was 10 from my older sister.  We used the Ryder-Waite deck.  I also learned to read ordinary playing cards.  We used many divination methods in the family – the I Ching and pendulums too.  I developed my own methods of scrying with clouds and trees.  Later I used crystal balls to answer questions. 

All this was done innocently.  I was largely untrained, and didn’t know yet any of these were considered psychic and weird. 

When I was 12 I started reading all kinds of books on eastern spirituality.  None really set me on fire, though I knew there was something there. 


Adolescence –


During adolescence, I didn’t want these abilities; I just wanted to fit in.  But still, things would happen to me.  For example, I could sometimes see dead people, and other things, but I never spoke to anyone about them.

When I was 18, I took a kundalini yoga class and had my first awakening experience.  My Third Eye started to burn.  I saw auras, and heard a Heavenly host.  I felt I WAS Jesus or someone similar, without any feeling of megalomania.  I knew that I would be of service to people my whole life, but I was so young I was very reluctant to take this on.

When I was 19, I started reading the books of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.  He finally answered my internal questions. I felt a strange, other-worldly draw to Rajneesh, a mysterious pull, I knew I had to go to India and study with this great guru.  But when I contacted them in India, I was told to stay put, that the ashram was moving.  I didn’t know what to do.  But then I found out that the ashram was coming to America. Bhagwan was coming to me.  He settled in a community less than 100 miles from where I grew up in Oregon. 

Meanwhile, while I waited, I moved to Berkeley, California, and participated in a very active Osho Center there called Deepta.  There were several thousand sannyasins there, many coming there from India.  I’m not sure why, but after a short time there, I was asked to be the Center Manager.

There, I managed about a hundred staff and all the many programs that were offered, leading many Osho meditations myself on a daily basis.  I led Sufi dancing, sang with the Music Group in the evening celebration, and organized the office.

I became a disciple formally in 1981 without first meeting Bhagwan.  We met in 1982, when I became one of the early ones to live and work in Oregon at the 64,000-acre “Ranch,” Osho’s American commune.  This was a wild, crazy, spectacular experiment led by an Eastern guru living in the redneck American West.  I was not surprised at all by the amount of controversy that sprang up there in the Reagan era.  My four years there were blissful, magical and transformative. 


1982-86 At the Osho Ranch


At first, there were only about 100 residents, and I finally got to meet Osho in the flesh.  From that point until he died, I was filled with love and devotion for him.  I felt I was in the presence of a Living Buddha.  Because of coming there in an early phase (the commune would sometimes host 20,000 people), I was able to forge a close connection that was not available to many of his disciples at the time.  I was very lucky.  I was also given a lot of ‘important’ positions.  Some of my duties included growing his special food ina special greenhouse; working in his personal garden; being one of his bodyguards; a special job where my intuitive abilities were used to drive in a car in front of him (he would come out each day to greet the disciples) to make sure it was safe.  He would often dance with me, give me shakti-pat (an energy transference), and reduce me to tears whenever I was in his presence with over-flowing love and gratitude. 

However, since I grew up in Oregon less than 100 miles from the ranch, and I had had a difficult time myself fitting in with the rednecks and conservatives that lived there, I knew that Bhagwan would not have an easy time in Oregon.  I was not surprised four years later when the American government effectively shut down the community and local people were irate and even violent towards Osho’s disciples. 

He was arrested, the commune was broken up, and all of us felt like leaving America because of the hostility and negativity.  As a bodyguard, my life was threatened several times.  Osho was deported to India, but there was no possibility of joining him at that time.  I went to Germany and began giving readings professionally there, as I had already started to in Berkeley.

I then followed Osho to Nepal (after some adventures in Italy trying to start an eco-farming-based commune). Again in Nepal there were very few people (only about 100) and so there was a lot of personal contact with him.  He was happy to see me when I arrived.

After Nepal, Osho became unavailable, so I returned to Germany and re-joined him when he re-set up his old commune in India, which we referred to as Poona II.  Poona II was set up differently than Oregon (as a meditation center more than a community), although I took on many responsibilities at the Ashram, working in his personal garden again.  And I wrote songs and sang in the evening Darshan, sannyas initiation, Sufi dancing group, and music group (basically a band). 

For many years, I lived in India with him, but when not in India I lived in Seattle, Washington State, where I helped to manage the meditation center, initiating people into sannyas and playing in a sannyasin band, as well as leading channeling groups and giving lots of psychic readings and healings.  I also started working in the Osho Mystery School in Poona, doing readings and healings, and became a very popular psychic with international recognition.  During stints in India, I would sometimes spend time in Thailand, Bali, and Australia, usually staying with sannyasin friends, and was very successful as a shamanic healer and healing energy groups, as well as singing with a sannyasin band in Australia.


Advaita Vedanta –


Osho died in 1990.  I remember that he would constantly say in his teachings to be with a living guru.  He said many times that after he died he did not want anyone creating a religion out of his work.  I took that to heart, and opened myself up to find another guru. 

I was lucky then to meet Andrew Cohen, who introduced me to H.W.L. Poonja (Papaji) in 1992.  Papaji was a direct disciple of Ramana Maharshi, the Sage of Tiruvannamalai and great Advaitic Master.  I lived and studied with Papaji in Lucknow, India, on and off for several years until he died in 1997.  It was also during the 1990’s I met the esteemed Advaita Vedanta teacher Ramesh Balsekar (in Mumbai, now passed), who was under the lineage of Nasargadatta Maharaj, author of the spiritual classic, I Am That. 

Advaita Vedanta has been a profound path of awareness and presence for me.  I have had several awakenings through these teachings and the deep realization of who I am.  I greatly respected Papaji and some of the followers he designated as Teachers to carry on his work, including his disciples Hanuman, Gangaji and Mooji.  I have followed these teachings from 1992 to this day, and continually find them insightful.


Native American Teachings –


When I was not in India with these gurus, I was mostly in America, and would synchronistically always find myself under the teachings of Native American medicine people.  As I am of Native American lineage myself (registered with the Cherokee Nation – my grandfather was full blood Cherokee, and my grandmother apparently had Native blood as well, including Arapaho, Shawnee and Pawnee), these teachings spoke to my lineage, and seemed a profound balance of sacred ‘earthiness’ and appreciating all things as they are, and helped me to accept my Native American heritage.  I enjoyed learning the ancient and sacred ways.  In the true Native American path, there are no shortcuts.  One must dedicate many years of one’s life to this path.  I liked the fact that it required dedication and discipline.

Some of the Native teachers I studied with along the way (from the time I was 17 until now), were Wallace Black Elk (Lakota); Ed McGaa (Eagle Man - Lakota); Buck Ghosthorse (Lakota); Gloria Two Feathers (Lakota); Brant Secunda,a Huichol shaman; Linda Ross, a profound Navaho medicine woman; Johnson Denison, esteemed Navaho medicine man; David Singing Bear (Cherokee); Rowanna (head of the Hopi medicine society for women); Uqualla (Havasupai ceremonial leader); Michael Harner (an anthropologist who studied shamanism with the Salish tribe in Washington); Sun Bear (Crow) and many others.  From Native Americans, I learned, participated and led Sweat Lodge ceremony; Pipe ceremony; Sun Dance; Vision Quest, involving fasting and prayer; trance and trance mediumship; the use of masks; extractions; psychic surgery; shape-shifting; shamanic journeying; shamanic initiations, including shaking tent and Yuwipi; connection to totem animal and plant spirit medicine; drumming and chanting, and Native songs and prayers; Blessing ceremony; and many more things.  

Due to my interest in shamanism, I have met over the past 30 years, shamans from Mongolia, Tibet, Nepal, Indonesia, South America, and Celtic, and studied with them, finding their paths resonating with the Native American path. 

I also spent time in Hawaii and lived there on and off (in the 1990’s), and studied with Native Hawaiian teachers as well.  I also met many other profound gurus of note, including Giridar, a Vipassana teacher.  I was the kirtan walla for his ashram in Madya Pradesh, India.


Fairs & Expos


While not in India or studying with Native Americans I was often featured as a presenter and speaker at many American West Coast “Mind, Body, Spirit” expos, sometimes speaking to crowds of 400 or more.  I realized the world in general is starting to Awaken and was there at the advent of the “New Age” phenomenon, which is still growing exponentially today.  I also did a stage show ”opening” for James van Praagh – doing “cold” readings on peoplewho raised their hands in the audience.  I knew nothing about them and yet had to come up with specific details about their life.  It was very good training. 

I also did readings for corporate parties at Microsoft and Boeing – often reading hundreds of people in one evening (under the name Lino Alelyunas).  Through these avenues, I not only was popular with Osho disciples, but also became well-known and successful as a psychic throughout the West Coast of America, and then through many parts of America, with even some international recognition.   


Founding a church and psychic school –


Living in Seattle, in 1987 I became an ordained inter-faith minister, and in 1990 I started my own church and psychic school, first called Inner Light, now Divine Light Ministries, and taught psychic development and energy healing to my students, including Reiki (I was one of the first Reiki Masters in the U.S.); shamanism and shamanic healing; chakra work; and just about every modality used in contemporary spiritual circles.  I continue to teach to this day.  This was one of the first psychic development schools in the U.S.

I have had a highly successful career as a psychic, a healer, and a teacher, often gave interviews on radio and television and was named one of America’s top 20 psychics in 2005.  From 2000 – 2010, I ran a highly successful Certified Spiritual Healer and Interfaith Ministry program, with hundreds of people graduating from my program, and some studying with me for nearly 10 years.  I also led tours to sacred lands in America, especially Hawaii and the Southwest, and brought people to meet Native American leaders and healers while I continued my studies to learn psychic surgery from Linda Ross, who is one of the most profound healers I’ve met in my life, (and I’ve met thousands of healers in my time).


I married in 1997 to Robert Lonsdorf, an environmentalist and also a healer and student of Advaita Vedanta, who has followed his own spiritual path, including practicing ‘self-remembering’ as a Gurdjieff disciple for many years.  Our son Tashi (a Tibetan name, meaning happy, lucky, or auspicious) was born in 2000 and was diagnosed with autism in 2003.  My husband and I started a very determined effort to recover him from within his autistic world, following innovative methods and our own intuition.  We brought him to many healers, and have been very fortunate.  He has largely emerged from autism and is very high-functioning, doing well in school without aides and is making and maintaining friends.  He is also a profoundly spiritual boy who began giving intuitive readings when he was four years old.  He can see spirits and when he could finally speak, told us he had lived in Tibet his last life and had been a high Lama.  This was confirmed when he was received in a personal audience with the second highest Tibetan lama, the Karmapa Lama, in Dharamsala, India, 2007, who asked him if wanted to stay and become a Lama there this life.  He declined, however, saying he didn’t want to. 


Bali! –


In 2010, I moved with my family to Bali, in part so my son could attend the Green School, and in part because we felt the energy of America becoming strange and negative due to the recession and polarizing political factors.  It just felt like it was time to leave and go back to the East. 

Now in Ubud, I offer healing sessions, readings, and teachings ranging from psychic development to shamanic healing and opening to inner spirituality.  I also offer monthly classes and apprenticeships, and am continuing my fascination and study of shamanism now through many Indonesian and Balinese healers, as well as a path of healing myself from an accident I was in four years ago involving a spinal cord and traumatic brain injury that I have “miraculously” recovered from, though I am still not completely back to my normal functions.  I am very fortunate and healing very well on Bali, getting a little better every day and having an amazing time!  Our son is doing very well at Green School and thriving in this natural environment.  We also play indigenous Native American music here at the Yoga Barn, other centers and restaurants, and give Full Moon gatherings at our home, community-oriented shamanic kirtans. 


There is much more detail to my life story, that I am currently writing in a trilogy of autobiographies.  I will let everyone know when they are available!

After 40-odd years of spiritual and metaphysical studies, I am either certified or well-studied in the following healing modalities, therapeutic techniques and spiritual practices ---


·         * Yoga, incuding kundalini, hatha and many other types

·         * Mantra practice

·        *  Kirtan

·         * Zen meditation

·        *  Vipassanna meditation

·        * Tibetan Buddhist initiations, including Medicine Buddha practice, Tonglen, Vajrapani. Green Tara practice, Chenrezig, Chod (Tibetan soul retrieval),Tumo (Tibetan yoga), Dakini practices

·        * Tai Chi

·         * Chi Gung

·        *  Mindfulness and Metta meditation

·        *  Acupuncture and acupressure

·        *  Shaitsu

·         * Jin Shin Do

·         * Deep Tissue Massage

·         * Lomi-lomi massage

·         * Hot stone treatment

·         * Reflexology

·         * Pranic healing

·         * Reiki

·         * Hawaiian healing – ho’o pono pono

·         * Chakra balancing

·         * Crystal healing

·         * Color-puncture

·         * Tibetan pulsing

·         * Healing with Color

·        *  Medical Intuition

·        *  Clairvoyance

·        *  Mediumship

·        *  Reading tea leaves, reading tarot, scrying (crystal ball reading)

·        *  Divination, including pendulums and divining rods

·        *  Casting of stones

·         * I Ching

·         * Aromatherapy

·         * Psychic surgery

·         * Flower essences

·         * Cranio-sacral therapy

·         * Shamanic healing, includes a whole set of techniques

·         * Feng Shui

·         * Herbology       

·         * Grief counseling

·         * Couples therapy

·         * Family counseling

·         * Family constellations

·         * Addiction counseling

·         * Past-life regression therapy

·         * Astrology

·         * Psychometry

·         * Amulets and Charms

·        *  World Religions

·        *  Rite of Passage Ceremonies

·        *  Tibetan Divination

·        *  Native American ceremonies from many traditions

·        *  Cherokee traditional medicine

·        *  Working with Spirit Guides

·        *  Coyote Story-telling

·        *  Psychic Protection

·        *  Ghost-busting and House clearing

·        *  Teaching Meditation

·        *  Light Language

·        *  Astral traveling

·        *  Sound Healing

·        *  Trance Channeling

·        *  Remote Viewing

·        *  Animal Communication

·        *  Sacred Geometry

·        *  Life Coaching

·        *  Spiritual Law of Attraction

·        *  Byron Katie’s “The Work”

·        *  Belief System Modification

·        *  Reichian Therapy

·        *  Entity Removal and Clearing

·        *  Ritualistic Cleansing Ceremonies

·        *  Flower Essences

·         * Drum-making

·         * Power object making

·         * Mind over Matter, including fire-walking; spoon-bending; and arrow-breaking

White Star

Psychic, Healer, Teacher

A brief Spiritual Biography

Childhood –


I have experienced ‘strange’ and unusual things my whole life, even when a child.  I remember I actually levitated when I was still a toddler, appearing in different places where there was no way I could have gotten there on my own, much to the astonishment of my parents.

I had two spirit guardians, one an angel and one an elf.  The elf, of course, was mischievous, and got me into trouble.  But my mother, who was herself quite unusual, believed in her too.  The angel comforted me.

I had many prophetic and even apocalyptic dreams as a child, things which haven’t yet happened.  It’s a dangerous world, but still, I’m optimistic.  I used to spontaneously ask myself, “Who Am I?”  One answer would come - “All and Everything.”  I would get shivers. 

I often felt like I was not from the Earth.  I even had memories of another planet, a very utopian place.

I had a telepathic connection with my younger brother, Rob.  We would very close.  We would dream together, and fly in our dreams around the world. I would astral travel at night, hovering over the living room watching my parents.  I could tell them later what they were doing.  I used to play ESP games with my brother.  We would send pictures in our minds to each other.  We were extremely accurate in guessing.

I learned to read the tarot cards when I was 10 from my older sister.  We used the Ryder-Waite deck.  I also learned to read ordinary playing cards.  We used many divination methods in the family – the I Ching and pendulums too.  I developed my own methods of scrying with clouds and trees.  Later I used crystal balls to answer questions. 

All this was done innocently.  I was largely untrained, and didn’t know yet any of these were considered psychic and weird. 

When I was 12 I started reading all kinds of books on eastern spirituality.  None really set me on fire, though I knew there was something there. 


Adolescence –


During adolescence, I didn’t want these abilities; I just wanted to fit in.  But still, things would happen to me.  For example, I could sometimes see dead people, and other things, but I never spoke to anyone about them.

When I was 18, I took a kundalini yoga class and had my first awakening experience.  My Third Eye started to burn.  I saw auras, and heard a Heavenly host.  I felt I WAS Jesus or someone similar, without any feeling of megalomania.  I knew that I would be of service to people my whole life, but I was so young I was very reluctant to take this on.

When I was 19, I started reading the books of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.  He finally answered my internal questions. I felt a strange, other-worldly draw to Rajneesh, a mysterious pull, I knew I had to go to India and study with this great guru.  But when I contacted them in India, I was told to stay put, that the ashram was moving.  I didn’t know what to do.  But then I found out that the ashram was coming to America. Bhagwan was coming to me.  He settled in a community less than 100 miles from where I grew up in Oregon. 

Meanwhile, while I waited, I moved to Berkeley, California, and participated in a very active Osho Center there called Deepta.  There were several thousand sannyasins there, many coming there from India.  I’m not sure why, but after a short time there, I was asked to be the Center Manager.

There, I managed about a hundred staff and all the many programs that were offered, leading many Osho meditations myself on a daily basis.  I led Sufi dancing, sang with the Music Group in the evening celebration, and organized the office.

I became a disciple formally in 1981 without first meeting Bhagwan.  We met in 1982, when I became one of the early ones to live and work in Oregon at the 64,000-acre “Ranch,” Osho’s American commune.  This was a wild, crazy, spectacular experiment led by an Eastern guru living in the redneck American West.  I was not surprised at all by the amount of controversy that sprang up there in the Reagan era.  My four years there were blissful, magical and transformative. 


1982-86 At the Osho Ranch


At first, there were only about 100 residents, and I finally got to meet Osho in the flesh.  From that point until he died, I was filled with love and devotion for him.  I felt I was in the presence of a Living Buddha.  Because of coming there in an early phase (the commune would sometimes host 20,000 people), I was able to forge a close connection that was not available to many of his disciples at the time.  I was very lucky.  I was also given a lot of ‘important’ positions.  Some of my duties included growing his special food ina special greenhouse; working in his personal garden; being one of his bodyguards; a special job where my intuitive abilities were used to drive in a car in front of him (he would come out each day to greet the disciples) to make sure it was safe.  He would often dance with me, give me shakti-pat (an energy transference), and reduce me to tears whenever I was in his presence with over-flowing love and gratitude. 

However, since I grew up in Oregon less than 100 miles from the ranch, and I had had a difficult time myself fitting in with the rednecks and conservatives that lived there, I knew that Bhagwan would not have an easy time in Oregon.  I was not surprised four years later when the American government effectively shut down the community and local people were irate and even violent towards Osho’s disciples. 

He was arrested, the commune was broken up, and all of us felt like leaving America because of the hostility and negativity.  As a bodyguard, my life was threatened several times.  Osho was deported to India, but there was no possibility of joining him at that time.  I went to Germany and began giving readings professionally there, as I had already started to in Berkeley.

I then followed Osho to Nepal (after some adventures in Italy trying to start an eco-farming-based commune). Again in Nepal there were very few people (only about 100) and so there was a lot of personal contact with him.  He was happy to see me when I arrived.

After Nepal, Osho became unavailable, so I returned to Germany and re-joined him when he re-set up his old commune in India, which we referred to as Poona II.  Poona II was set up differently than Oregon (as a meditation center more than a community), although I took on many responsibilities at the Ashram, working in his personal garden again.  And I wrote songs and sang in the evening Darshan, sannyas initiation, Sufi dancing group, and music group (basically a band). 

For many years, I lived in India with him, but when not in India I lived in Seattle, Washington State, where I helped to manage the meditation center, initiating people into sannyas and playing in a sannyasin band, as well as leading channeling groups and giving lots of psychic readings and healings.  I also started working in the Osho Mystery School in Poona, doing readings and healings, and became a very popular psychic with international recognition.  During stints in India, I would sometimes spend time in Thailand, Bali, and Australia, usually staying with sannyasin friends, and was very successful as a shamanic healer and healing energy groups, as well as singing with a sannyasin band in Australia.


Advaita Vedanta –


Osho died in 1990.  I remember that he would constantly say in his teachings to be with a living guru.  He said many times that after he died he did not want anyone creating a religion out of his work.  I took that to heart, and opened myself up to find another guru. 

I was lucky then to meet Andrew Cohen, who introduced me to H.W.L. Poonja (Papaji) in 1992.  Papaji was a direct disciple of Ramana Maharshi, the Sage of Tiruvannamalai and great Advaitic Master.  I lived and studied with Papaji in Lucknow, India, on and off for several years until he died in 1997.  It was also during the 1990’s I met the esteemed Advaita Vedanta teacher Ramesh Balsekar (in Mumbai, now passed), who was under the lineage of Nasargadatta Maharaj, author of the spiritual classic, I Am That. 

Advaita Vedanta has been a profound path of awareness and presence for me.  I have had several awakenings through these teachings and the deep realization of who I am.  I greatly respected Papaji and some of the followers he designated as Teachers to carry on his work, including his disciples Hanuman, Gangaji and Mooji.  I have followed these teachings from 1992 to this day, and continually find them insightful.


Native American Teachings –


When I was not in India with these gurus, I was mostly in America, and would synchronistically always find myself under the teachings of Native American medicine people.  As I am of Native American lineage myself (registered with the Cherokee Nation – my grandfather was full blood Cherokee, and my grandmother apparently had Native blood as well, including Arapaho, Shawnee and Pawnee), these teachings spoke to my lineage, and seemed a profound balance of sacred ‘earthiness’ and appreciating all things as they are, and helped me to accept my Native American heritage.  I enjoyed learning the ancient and sacred ways.  In the true Native American path, there are no shortcuts.  One must dedicate many years of one’s life to this path.  I liked the fact that it required dedication and discipline.

Some of the Native teachers I studied with along the way (from the time I was 17 until now), were Wallace Black Elk (Lakota); Ed McGaa (Eagle Man - Lakota); Buck Ghosthorse (Lakota); Gloria Two Feathers (Lakota); Brant Secunda,a Huichol shaman; Linda Ross, a profound Navaho medicine woman; Johnson Denison, esteemed Navaho medicine man; David Singing Bear (Cherokee); Rowanna (head of the Hopi medicine society for women); Uqualla (Havasupai ceremonial leader); Michael Harner (an anthropologist who studied shamanism with the Salish tribe in Washington); Sun Bear (Crow) and many others.  From Native Americans, I learned, participated and led Sweat Lodge ceremony; Pipe ceremony; Sun Dance; Vision Quest, involving fasting and prayer; trance and trance mediumship; the use of masks; extractions; psychic surgery; shape-shifting; shamanic journeying; shamanic initiations, including shaking tent and Yuwipi; connection to totem animal and plant spirit medicine; drumming and chanting, and Native songs and prayers; Blessing ceremony; and many more things.  

Due to my interest in shamanism, I have met over the past 30 years, shamans from Mongolia, Tibet, Nepal, Indonesia, South America, and Celtic, and studied with them, finding their paths resonating with the Native American path. 

I also spent time in Hawaii and lived there on and off (in the 1990’s), and studied with Native Hawaiian teachers as well.  I also met many other profound gurus of note, including Giridar, a Vipassana teacher.  I was the kirtan walla for his ashram in Madya Pradesh, India.


Fairs & Expos


While not in India or studying with Native Americans I was often featured as a presenter and speaker at many American West Coast “Mind, Body, Spirit” expos, sometimes speaking to crowds of 400 or more.  I realized the world in general is starting to Awaken and was there at the advent of the “New Age” phenomenon, which is still growing exponentially today.  I also did a stage show ”opening” for James van Praagh – doing “cold” readings on peoplewho raised their hands in the audience.  I knew nothing about them and yet had to come up with specific details about their life.  It was very good training. 

I also did readings for corporate parties at Microsoft and Boeing – often reading hundreds of people in one evening (under the name Lino Alelyunas).  Through these avenues, I not only was popular with Osho disciples, but also became well-known and successful as a psychic throughout the West Coast of America, and then through many parts of America, with even some international recognition.   


Founding a church and psychic school –


Living in Seattle, in 1987 I became an ordained inter-faith minister, and in 1990 I started my own church and psychic school, first called Inner Light, now Divine Light Ministries, and taught psychic development and energy healing to my students, including Reiki (I was one of the first Reiki Masters in the U.S.); shamanism and shamanic healing; chakra work; and just about every modality used in contemporary spiritual circles.  I continue to teach to this day.  This was one of the first psychic development schools in the U.S.

I have had a highly successful career as a psychic, a healer, and a teacher, often gave interviews on radio and television and was named one of America’s top 20 psychics in 2005.  From 2000 – 2010, I ran a highly successful Certified Spiritual Healer and Interfaith Ministry program, with hundreds of people graduating from my program, and some studying with me for nearly 10 years.  I also led tours to sacred lands in America, especially Hawaii and the Southwest, and brought people to meet Native American leaders and healers while I continued my studies to learn psychic surgery from Linda Ross, who is one of the most profound healers I’ve met in my life, (and I’ve met thousands of healers in my time).


I married in 1997 to Robert Lonsdorf, an environmentalist and also a healer and student of Advaita Vedanta, who has followed his own spiritual path, including practicing ‘self-remembering’ as a Gurdjieff disciple for many years.  Our son Tashi (a Tibetan name, meaning happy, lucky, or auspicious) was born in 2000 and was diagnosed with autism in 2003.  My husband and I started a very determined effort to recover him from within his autistic world, following innovative methods and our own intuition.  We brought him to many healers, and have been very fortunate.  He has largely emerged from autism and is very high-functioning, doing well in school without aides and is making and maintaining friends.  He is also a profoundly spiritual boy who began giving intuitive readings when he was four years old.  He can see spirits and when he could finally speak, told us he had lived in Tibet his last life and had been a high Lama.  This was confirmed when he was received in a personal audience with the second highest Tibetan lama, the Karmapa Lama, in Dharamsala, India, 2007, who asked him if wanted to stay and become a Lama there this life.  He declined, however, saying he didn’t want to. 


Bali! –


In 2010, I moved with my family to Bali, in part so my son could attend the Green School, and in part because we felt the energy of America becoming strange and negative due to the recession and polarizing political factors.  It just felt like it was time to leave and go back to the East. 

Now in Ubud, I offer healing sessions, readings, and teachings ranging from psychic development to shamanic healing and opening to inner spirituality.  I also offer monthly classes and apprenticeships, and am continuing my fascination and study of shamanism now through many Indonesian and Balinese healers, as well as a path of healing myself from an accident I was in four years ago involving a spinal cord and traumatic brain injury that I have “miraculously” recovered from, though I am still not completely back to my normal functions.  I am very fortunate and healing very well on Bali, getting a little better every day and having an amazing time!  Our son is doing very well at Green School and thriving in this natural environment.  We also play indigenous Native American music here at the Yoga Barn, other centers and restaurants, and give Full Moon gatherings at our home, community-oriented shamanic kirtans. 


There is much more detail to my life story, that I am currently writing in a trilogy of autobiographies.  I will let everyone know when they are available!

After 40-odd years of spiritual and metaphysical studies, I am either certified or well-studied in the following healing modalities, therapeutic techniques and spiritual practices ---


·         * Yoga, incuding kundalini, hatha and many other types

·         * Mantra practice

·        *  Kirtan

·         * Zen meditation

·        *  Vipassanna meditation

·        * Tibetan Buddhist initiations, including Medicine Buddha practice, Tonglen, Vajrapani. Green Tara practice, Chenrezig, Chod (Tibetan soul retrieval),Tumo (Tibetan yoga), Dakini practices

·        * Tai Chi

·         * Chi Gung

·        *  Mindfulness and Metta meditation

·        *  Acupuncture and acupressure

·        *  Shaitsu

·         * Jin Shin Do

·         * Deep Tissue Massage

·         * Lomi-lomi massage

·         * Hot stone treatment

·         * Reflexology

·         * Pranic healing

·         * Reiki

·         * Hawaiian healing – ho’o pono pono

·         * Chakra balancing

·         * Crystal healing

·         * Color-puncture

·         * Tibetan pulsing

·         * Healing with Color

·        *  Medical Intuition

·        *  Clairvoyance

·        *  Mediumship

·        *  Reading tea leaves, reading tarot, scrying (crystal ball reading)

·        *  Divination, including pendulums and divining rods

·        *  Casting of stones

·         * I Ching

·         * Aromatherapy

·         * Psychic surgery

·         * Flower essences

·         * Cranio-sacral therapy

·         * Shamanic healing, includes a whole set of techniques

·         * Feng Shui

·         * Herbology       

·         * Grief counseling

·         * Couples therapy

·         * Family counseling

·         * Family constellations

·         * Addiction counseling

·         * Past-life regression therapy

·         * Astrology

·         * Psychometry

·         * Amulets and Charms

·        *  World Religions

·        *  Rite of Passage Ceremonies

·        *  Tibetan Divination

·        *  Native American ceremonies from many traditions

·        *  Cherokee traditional medicine

·        *  Working with Spirit Guides

·        *  Coyote Story-telling

·        *  Psychic Protection

·        *  Ghost-busting and House clearing

·        *  Teaching Meditation

·        *  Light Language

·        *  Astral traveling

·        *  Sound Healing

·        *  Trance Channeling

·        *  Remote Viewing

·        *  Animal Communication

·        *  Sacred Geometry

·        *  Life Coaching

·        *  Spiritual Law of Attraction

·        *  Byron Katie’s “The Work”

·        *  Belief System Modification

·        *  Reichian Therapy

·        *  Entity Removal and Clearing

·        *  Ritualistic Cleansing Ceremonies

·        *  Flower Essences

·         * Drum-making

·         * Power object making

·         * Mind over Matter, including fire-walking; spoon-bending; and arrow-breaking

                                                                                                                             White Star

                                                                                                                        Psychic, Healer, Teacher

                                                                                                    A brief Spiritual Resume and Biography


Childhood –

I have experienced ‘strange’ and unusual things my whole life, even when a child.  I remember I actually levitated when I was still a toddler, appearing in different places where there was no way I could have gotten there on my own, much to the astonishment of my parents.

I had two spirit guardians, one an angel and one an elf.  The elf, of course, was mischievous, and got me into trouble.  But my mother, who was herself quite unusual, believed in her too.  The angel comforted me.

I had many prophetic and even apocalyptic dreams as a child, things which haven’t yet happened.  It’s a dangerous world, but still, I’m optimistic.  I used to spontaneously ask myself, “Who Am I?”  One answer would come - “All and Everything.”  I would get shivers. 

I often felt like I was not from the Earth.  I even had memories of another planet, a very utopian place.

I had a telepathic connection with my younger brother, Rob, with whom I was very close.  We would dream together, and fly in our dreams around the world. I would astral travel at night, hovering over the living room watching my parents.  I could tell them later what they were doing.  I used to play ESP games with my brother.  We would send pictures in our minds to each other.  We were extremely accurate in guessing.

I learned to read the tarot cards when I was 10 from my older sister.  We used the classic Ryder-Waite deck.  I also learned to read ordinary playing cards.  We used many divination methods in the family – the I Ching and pendulums too.  I developed my own methods of scrying with clouds and trees.  Later I used crystal balls to answer questions. 

All this was done innocently.  I was largely untrained, and didn’t know yet any of these were considered psychic and out of the ordinary.

When I was 12 I started reading all kinds of books on eastern spirituality.  None really set me on fire, though I knew there was something there. 

Adolescence –

During adolescence, I didn’t want these abilities; I just wanted to fit in.  But still, things would happen to me.  For example, I could sometimes see dead people, and other things, but I never spoke to anyone about them.

When I was 17, I took a kundalini yoga class and had my first awakening experience.  My Third Eye started to burn.  I saw auras, and heard a Heavenly host.  I felt I WAS Jesus or someone similar, without any feeling of megalomania.  I knew that I would be of service to people my whole life, but I was so young I was very reluctant to take this on.

In 1980 at age 19 I studied with a branch of the Berkeley Psychic Institute, the only psychic school in America at the time because I wanted to understand my gifts.  My teachers taught me how to focus my abilities and I started giving professional readings for the first time. 

About this time, I started reading the books of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.  He finally answered my internal questions.  I wanted to go to India to see him, but as fate would have it, he moved to Oregon, and not far from where I grew up.  So, in 1982 I found myself moving to his new community in Oregon.  This was a spectacular experiment led by an Eastern guru living in the  American West.  I was not surprised at all when it failed.  Since I grew up in Oregon less than 100 miles from the ranch, and I had had a difficult time myself fitting in with the back country folks that lived there, I knew that Bhagwan would not have an easy time in Oregon.  For me, though, my four years there were blissful, magical and transformative.  Of course, I've since realized there were cult-like aspects to this community, but at the time, I was ripe for a cult, wanting to live an alternative life, and very young and innocent. However, it wasn't as bad as the documentary on Netflix makes it sound, and I didn't participate in any questionable activities.  I mostly just had a blast there.  I continued to follow Osho, on and off, going to India when he went back there, until he died in 1990, nine years after I joined the movement as it were.  At that time, I left the movement, feeling it stagnant without his physical presence.

When not in India I lived in Seattle, Washington, in America’s Pacific Northwest, where I  played in a band, as well as leading channeling groups and giving lots of psychic readings and healings.  I also started working in the Osho Mystery School in Poona, doing readings and healings, and became a very popular psychic with international recognition.  During stints in India, I would sometimes spend time in Thailand, Bali, and Australia, usually staying with  friends, and was very successful as a healer and healing energy groups, as well as singing with a  band in Australia.  I had my own radio show in Australia, people called in with questions, and I would answer them, and I interviewed guests, other interesting people I would run into.   I lived in Australia for a year. During that time, in the 1980's I also lived in Bali on and off, and gave many readings there to expats.  I loved Southeast Asia.

Advaita Vedanta –

Osho died young in 1990.  I remember that he would constantly say in his teachings to be with a living guru.  He said many times that after he died he did not want anyone creating a religion out of his work.  I took that to heart, and opened myself up to find another guru. 

I was lucky then to meet H.W.L. Poonja, Papaji, in 1992.  Papaji was a direct disciple of Ramana Maharshi, the Sage of Tiruvannamalai and great Advaitic Master.  I lived and studied with Papaji in Lucknow, India, on and off for several years until he died in 1997.  It was also during the 1990’s I met the esteemed Advaita Vedanta teacher Ramesh Balsekar (in Mumbai, now passed), who was under the lineage of Nasargadatta Maharaj, author of the spiritual classic, I Am That. 

Advaita Vedanta has been a profound path of awareness and presence for me.  I have had several awakenings through these teachings and the deep realization of who I am.  I greatly respected Papaji and some of the followers he designated as Teachers to carry on his work, including his disciples Hanuman, Gangaji and Mooji.  I have followed these teachings from 1992 to this day, and continually find them insightful.  I also met many other profound gurus of note, including Giridar, a Vipassana teacher.  I was the kirtan walla for his ashram in Madya Pradesh, India.  However, I have realized many years ago, that I must be my own guru, and that Life itself is an amazing teacher!

Fairs & Expos –

When in America, I was featured in many “Body, Mind, & Spirit” expos on the West Coast as a presenter and speaker, sometimes speaking to crowds of 400 or more.  I realized that the world in general is starting to Awaken and was there at the advent of the “New Age” phenomenon, which is still growing exponentially today.  I also did a stage show “opening” for the famous psychic James Van Praagh – doing “cold” readings on people who raised their hands in the audience.  I knew nothing about them and yet had to come up with specific details about their life.  It was very good training.

I also did readings at corporate parties for Microsoft and Boeing (two huge Seattle-based corporations) – often reading hundreds of people in one evening.  Through these avenues, I was not only popular with my international clients,  also became well-known and successful as a psychic up and down the West Coast of America, then throughout many parts of America.

Founding a church and psychic school –

While living in Seattle in 1987 I became an ordained inter-faith minister, and in 1990 I started my own church and psychic school, first called Inner Light, now Divine Light Ministries, and taught psychic development and energy healing to my students, including Reiki (I was an early Reiki Master in the U.S.); shamanism and shamanic healing; chakra work; and just about every modality used in contemporary spiritual circles.  I continue to teach to this day.  This was one of the first psychic development schools in America. 

I have had a highly successful career as a psychic, a healer, and a teacher, often gave interviews on radio and television and was named one of America’s top 20 psychics in 2005.  From 2000 – 2010, I ran a highly successful Certified Spiritual Healer and Interfaith Ministry program, with hundreds of people graduating from my program, and some studying with me for nearly 10 years.  

I married in 1997 to Robert Lonsdorf, a spiritual environmentalist, healer and student of Advaita Vedanta, who has followed his own spiritual path, including practicing ‘self-remembering’ as a Gurdjieff disciple for many years.  Our son Tashi Paul (a Tibetan name, meaning happy, lucky, or auspicious) was born in 2000 and was diagnosed with autism in 2003.  My husband and I started a very determined effort to recover him from within his autistic world, following innovative methods and our own intuition.  We brought him to many healers, and have been very fortunate.  He is no longer considered “autistic” and is on the honor roll at his college.  He is also a profoundly spiritual boy who began giving intuitive readings when he was four years old.  He can see spirits and when he could finally speak, told us he had lived in Tibet his last life and had been a high Lama.  This was confirmed when he personally met the second highest Tibetan lama, the Karmapa Lama, in Dharamsala, India, who asked him if wanted to stay and become a Lama there this life.  He declined, however, saying he didn’t want to.  Now he is studying improv, acting and psychology and is considering a career as a comedian and a therapist. Update on Paul, (he calls himself Paul instead of Tashi): he has graduated cum laude from ASU and has his first job as a Behavioral Therapist.  He plans to go on to get his Master's degree and Phd.

Bali –

In 2010, I moved with my family to Bali, in part so my son could attend the Green School, a progressive international school.  It just felt like it was time to leave and go back to the East. 

Living in Bali’s cultural center, Ubud, I offered healing sessions, readings, teaching workshops and retreats ranging from psychic development to shamanic healing and opening to inner spirituality.  My husband offered spiritual tours to Balinese sacred sites and holy people and healers.  I also offered apprenticeships, continuing my fascination and study of shamanism through many Indonesian and Balinese healers, as well as a path of healing myself from a car accident I was in that left me partially paralyzed and with a spinal cord and traumatic brain injury in 2009.  I have had a ‘miraculous’ recovery, though I am still not completely back to my normal functions.  We also played music at Ubud’s largest yoga center, the Yoga Barn, as well as at other centers and restaurants, and gave Full Moon gatherings at our home, community-oriented shamanic kirtans.  

We also traveled around southeast Asia and I worked in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Thailand too.  Over time I became southeast Asia’s most successful psychic and healer.  I vastly expanded my international clientele during this time and was written up in many books and articles, becoming listed in Trip Advisor as one of the “Top Ten Things To Do on Bali.” 

We returned to America in 2016 as my son came of college age and there really no alternatives for him on Bali.  We live in Scottsdale, Arizona, in the incredible, unique American Southwest.  I love Arizona – it has so many sacred places which we visit often that resonate with the power of the Earth and Native American culture.  

Today I continue to give in-person sessions, sessions over  Zoom and teach a wide variety of on-line classes.  I still offer apprenticeships.  Please look through this website for more information.  I would love to meet you!


There is much more detail to my life story.  I have now finished the first in a trilogy of autobiographies:  The Experience of the Ultimate – The Journeys of a Psychic Mystic.  It is available for downloading through Amazon Kindle and Etsy.  This book covers the first phase of my spiritual journey up to age 37, when I met Robert.  In the second production, I will discuss the deeply personal and amazing story of our healing of our son off the more extreme end of the autism spectrum in addition to more spiritual adventures and world travels.  The third book will detail our lives on Bali and in Southeast Asia where we grew to know the international new spiritual movement as well as Bali’s indigenous shamans, healers, and holy people.  I will let everyone know when these two additional books are available! I am currently in production of a fabulous podcast called: "All My Friends Are Energy Healers"  which I go over many type of energy healing and interview prominent energy healers, that are indeed, my friends and remarkable individuals.


After 40-odd years of spiritual and metaphysical studies, I am either certified or well-studied in and qualified to teach, practice or administer the following healing modalities, therapeutic techniques and spiritual practices ---

·         Yoga, including kundalini, hatha, bhakti and many other types

·         Mantra practice

·         Kirtan

·         Zen meditation

·         Vipassanna meditation

·         Tibetan Buddhist initiations, including Medicine Buddha practice, Tonglen, Vajrapani. Green Tara practice, Chenrezig, Chod (Tibetan soul retrieval), Tumo (Tibetan yoga), Dakini practices

·         Tai Chi

·         Chi Gung

·         Mindfulness and Metta meditation

·         Acupuncture and acupressure

·         Shaitsu


          Soul Retrieval

·         Jin Shin Do

·         Deep Tissue Massage

·         Lomi-lomi massage

·         Hot stone treatment

·         Reflexology

·         Pranic healing

·         Reiki

·         Chakra balancing

·         Crystal healing

·         Color-puncture

·         Tibetan pulsing

·         Healing with Color

·         Medical Intuition

·         Clairvoyance

·         Mediumship

·         Reading tea leaves, reading tarot, scrying (crystal ball reading)

·         Divination, including pendulums and divining rods

·         Casting of stones

·         I Ching

·         Aromatherapy

·         Psychic surgery

·         Flower essences

·         Cranio-sacral therapy

·         Feng Shui

·         Herbology

·         Grief counseling

·         Couples therapy

·         Family counseling

·         Family constellations

·         Addiction counseling

·         Past-life regression therapy

·         Astrology

·         Psychometry

·         Amulets and Charms

·         Mind over Matter, including fire-walking; spoon-bending; and arrow breaking

·         World Religions

·         Rite of Passage Ceremonies

·         Tibetan Divination

·         Working with Spirit Guides

·         Psychic Protection

·         Teaching Meditation

·         Light Language

·         Astral Traveling

·         Sound Healing

·         Trance Channeling

·         Remote Viewing

·         Animal Communication

·         Sacred Geometry

·         Life Coaching

·         Spiritual Law of Attraction

·         Byron Katie’s “The Work”

·         Belief System Modification

·         Reichian Therapy

·         Entity Removal and Clearing

·         Ritualistic Cleansing Ceremonies

·         Flower Essences

·         Cord-Cutting

·         Kuan Yin and Tara Meditations

·         Palmistry

·         Deeksha Giver (since 2002)

·        Celtic Rituals

·         Past Life Readings, Regression & Healings

·         Polarity Therapy

·         Soul retrieval

·         Sensory Integration for Children with Special Needs

·         Son-Rise program (behavioral program for children with autism)